Lets find with Nmap for Vulnerability Scan

Lets find with Nmap for Vulnerability Scan

Version 0.001:

This version is coutain that knowlage that can help you to understand Namp for Network Mapping. With Version you can easy See that is this artical is Update. as i get the time I always update my Artical.

Nmap for Huntng Target:

Hunting Target with Nmap Means that we our target will not free. target will be open on server. but open also desont mean that our Target is 100% Free on Air. may be i incloud link of video if Medium allow me.

As I mention in my last artical which was Covering Basic Lavel of Nmap but that was alos not for begainers. also we all know that Nmap is not small tool. nmap is extreamly Poertfull tools like other Tools. 

Always Remember for Target your Internet and System should be Strong. Sometime i bypassing the Firewalls need Strong internets my loss most of time my target beacuse of Slow Thing đź™‚

./configure make make install

This software’s most recent version, as well as binary installers for Windows, macOS, and Linux (RPM), are available here.

cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts/

The Next step is to clone the git repository.

git clone https://github.com/vulnersCom/nmap-vulners.git

And if you want to see the NSE scripts present in Nmap-vulners database, use ls command. It will display all the .nse extension scripts on the terminal.


It’s easy to use NSE scripts. Simply pass the -script argument to our Nmap command to instruct what NSE script to use.

nmap -sV --script vulners [--script-args mincvss=<arg_val>] <target>

Don’t forget to pass “-sV” argument while using NSE scripts. Nmap-vulners will be unable to access the Vulners exploit database if it does not receive any version information from Nmap. So, the -sV parameter is required all the time.

Example command:

The syntax is quite straightforward. Just call the script with “-script” option and specify the vulners engine and target to begin scanning.

nmap -sV --script nmap-vulners/ <target>

If you wish to scan any specific ports, just add “-p” option to the end of the command and pass the port number you want to scan.

nmap -sV --script nmap-vulners/ <target> -p80,223
nmap -sV --script vuln <target>


  • exploitdb.csv
  • osvdb.csv
  • securitytracker.csv
  • openvas.csv
  • scipvuldb.csv
  • xforce.csv
  • securityfocus.csv
  • cve.csv

cd vulscan/utilities/updater/

Next, change the permissions of the file to be run in the system.

chmod +x updateFiles.sh

And finally, update the exploit databases with the below command.


nmap -sV --script vulscan <target>
--script-args vulscandb=database_name

nmap -sV --script vulscan --script-args vulscandb=exploit.csv <target> -p 80,233

nmap -sV --script http-csrf <target>
nmap -sV --script http-sherlock <target>
nmap -sV --script http-slowloris-check <target>
nmap -sV --script http-vmware-path-vuln <target>
nmap -sV --script http-passwd <target>
nmap -sV --script http-internal-ip-disclosure <target>
nmap -sV --script http-vuln-cve2013-0156 <target-address>
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